Lab Alumni



Jennifer Adam (Ph.D 2000) Joint with John Pringle
Postdoc with Denise Montell,Johns Hopkins Currently raising three energetic children

Kathryn Akong (Ph.D 2003, MD 2005)
Resident in Pediatric Medicine and Pediatric Pulmonary Fellow, Victor Nizet lab, UCSD
Currently:  Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and associate director of the Cystic Fibrosis Center , UCSD and site PI at Rady Children’s Hospital for the Cystic Fibrosis Therapeutics Development Network

Kelly Alexandre Lefave (M.S., 2009)
Editor, American Journal Experts,

Colleen Bilancia (Postdoc, 2009-2014)
ABMG Clinical Cytogenetics Fellow at Columbia University Medical Center
Currently:  Laboratory Director and Clinical Cytogeneticist and Molecular Geneticist, Bionano Genomics

Teresa Bonello (Postdoc, 2014-2019)
Currently: Research Fellow – The Thompson Group

Toni Bowerman (Lab Manager Extraordinaire, 2010-2015)
Masters in International Security, University of Denver
Currently:  Employed by US Government

Covington Brown (Postbac researcher, 1996-1998)
MPH, UNC-CH and MPP, Duke
Currently:  PhD Program at UNC School of Public Health

Rob Cavallo (Ph.D. 2000)
Head, Scientific Engagement and Communications, Sanofi Genzyme

Wangsun Choi (Postdoc, 2009-2016)
Currently: Senior Scientist at Sound Biologics       Previous: Instructor, Harvard Medical School and Associate Scientist, Turner Lab, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Whitney Christian, Res. Tech 2001-3
(Ph.D.,Toxicology, Ballatori Lab, Univ. of Rochester 2012)  Currently Director of Global Toxicology and Biocompatibility at Medtronic

Rachel Cox (Ph.D. 1998)
Postdoc with Alan Spradling
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Uniformed Services University

Don Fox (Ph.D. 2006)
Postdoc with Alan Spradling, Carnegie Insitute
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Duke University

Julie Gates (Postdoc, 2002-2006)
Currently:  Associate Professor of Biology
Bucknell University

Lizz Grevengoed (Ph.D. 2003)
Postdoc with Deb Andrew, Johns Hopkins
PA-C Degree, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center; Director of Clinical Services, Private Health Management

Karen Hales (Postdoc, 1998-2000)
Currently:  Professor of Biology
Davidson College

Nathan Harris (Ph.D. 2012)
Postdoctoral Fellow with Gant Luxton,University of Minnesota
Currently: Laboratory Supervisor, LabCorp

Tony Harris (Postdoc, 2001-2005)
Currently:  Professor of Cell and Systems Biology
University of Toronto

Melissa Hayden (Ph.D. 2007)
Postdoc with Akira Chiba, University of Miami-Coral Gables and Clinical Cytogenetics Fellow, UNC-CH School of Medicine
Currently: Technical Director, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, Lab Corp

Catarina Homem (Ph. D. 2009)
Postdoc with Jürgen Knoblich, IMBA Austria
Currently: Principal Investigator, CEDOC, Lisbon Portugal

Traci Jesse Stevens (Postdoc 2000-2004)
Currently:  Professor and Associate Chair of Biology
Randolph Macon College

Erin Jezuit (Res. Tech 2004-2005)
M.S, University of Washington (2009)
PhD student, von Dassow Lab  University of Oregon

Kuo-chen Kacy Jung (MS, 2011)  Artist extraodinaire

Catherine Kirkpatrick (Postdoc 1995-99)
Currently:  Teaching Associate Professor
College of Biological Sciences, University of Minnesota

Joe Loureiro (Ph.D., 1998)
Postdoc with Frank Gertler, MIT
Currently Senior Investigator I, Computational Biology, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research

Brooke McCartney (Postdoc 1998-2000)
Currently:  Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
Carnegie-Mellon University

Don McEwen (Postdoc 1999-2004)
Assistant Professor till his all to early death in 2014
University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio

Elizabeth Metzger (Lab Manager 2016-2017)
Scientific Program Manager, the Geneva Foundation

Steve Myster (Postdoc 1998-2003)
Staff Manufacturing Scientist, Beckman Coulter

Lathiena Manning Nervo (Postdoc 2015-2019)
Currently:  Assistant Professor of Biology
Pacific Lutheran University

Stephanie Nowotarski (Ph.D. 2014)
Postdoc with Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado, Stowers Institute/HHMI
Currently: Scientist in the Stowers Institute’s Microscopy Technology Center.

Sandra Orsulic (Ph.D., 1996)
Postdoc with Harold Varmus, NIH and Sloan Kettering
Initial Appt: Asst. Professor of Pathology, Harvard Med and Mass General
Currently: Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UCLA

Li-Mei Pai (Ph.D., 1997)
Postdoc with Trudi Schupbach
Currently: Professor of Developmental Biology
Chang-Gung University, TAIWAN

Kia Perez-Vale (Ph.D., 2021)
Currently: Postdoc with Ben Sanger at the University of Pennsylvania

Gordon Polevoy (M.S., 2001)
Currently:  Research Project Coordinator with Julie Brill
The Hospital for Sick Children/University of Toronto

John Poulton (Postdoc, 2009-2016)
Currently: Research Asst. Professor, UNC Dept. of Medicine and Kidney Center

Meredith Price (Undergraduate and Res Tech II 1999-2004)
Ph.D. Student, Bowerman lab, University of Oregon
Currently: Imaris Product and Business Manager, Bitplane Scientific Software

Mira Pronobis (Ph.D., 2016)
Currently:  LSRF Postdoctoral Fellow with Ken Poss
HHMI/Duke University,

Dave Roberts (Postdoc 2005-2010)
Currently: Associate Professor
Franklin and Marshall College

Ed Rogers (Postdoc 2006-2012)
Currently: Research Specialist, Reiser lab
Janelia Research Campus, HHMI

Jeremiah Roeth (Postdoc 2005-2007)
Past:  Vice President, UltraVector Division, Intrexon Corp
Currently: President at aerialPLOT and CEO, Buckeye Ag Testing LLC

Dave Rubenstein (Postdoc 1996-1997)
Skinner Distinguished Professor of Dermatology-UNC-CH.  Currently: Chief Scientific Officer at Dermavant Sciences, Inc.

Nasser Rusan  (Postdoc 2005-2010)
Currently: Senior Investigator and Head of Laboratory of Molecular Machines and Tissue Architecture
NHLBI/NIH, Bethesda MD      

Jessica Sawyer (Ph.D. 2010)
Postdoc with Don Fox, Duke University  Currently: Research Assistant Professor, Duke

Anja Schmidt (Postdoc 2019-2023)
Currently:  Research Specialist
Janelia Research Campus, HHMI

Mycah Sewell (Postbac student, 2015-2016)
Currently:  Ph.D. student, Molecular, Cell, Developmental, and Genetics (MCDG) track, Yale University

Hsin-Pei Shih (Ph.D., 2001) Joint with John Pringle
Postdoc with Chris Doe, University of Oregon
Currently:  Director, Search and Evaluation, Business Development, GlobalBioPharm, Novo Nordisk

Joan Shields, Res Tech 1994-6
Ph.D., Environ. Health Science, UC-Irvine, 2003; Crrently: Staff Fellow, Food and Drug Administration

Andrew Spracklen (Postdoc 2015-2019)
Currently:  Lecturer in Biology
UMass Amherst

Kaelyn Sumigray (Postdoc 2012-2013)
Res. Asst Prof. with Terry Lechler, Duke University (2013-2019)        Currently: Asst Professor, Yale Dept. of Genetics               

Wei Wang (MS, 1998)
MS  Bioinformatics, Georgia Tech.  Currently:  Molecular Profiling and Bioinformatics, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

Hui-Chia Yu-Kemp (Postdoc 2017-2021)  Currently: Scientist II, Protein Chemistry at Life Edit Therapeutics

Shiping Zhang (Postdoc 2016-2017) Currently: Senior Scientist, Ho Lab, ShanghaiTech University

HONORARY LAB MEMBERS (they work elsewhere but sometimes use flies )

None current (see Alumni below)

HONORARY ALUMNI (they worked elsewhere but sometimes used flies and we miss them)

Kim (Peters) Marston (Graduate Student with Steve Rogers )
Associate Director, Project Management , Nuventra

Derek Applewhite (Postdoctoral Fellow with Steve Rogers )Associate Professor, Reed College

Greg Rogers (Postdoctoral Fellow with Steve Rogers )
Professor and Associate Department Head, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Arizona

Hanna (Johnny) Fares (Graduate Student with John Pringle)
Professor, University of Arizona.  Currently Dean of Arts and Sciences at Saint George University– Beirut

Omayma Al-Awar (Graduate Student with John Pringle)
Regional Sales Director, Southern Region, Illumina

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