Join us!

We are always looking for talented folks who want to join our team.  Here’s how:

Postdoc candidates

Thinking about your next step?  Being a postdoc is great fun.  We’re always willing to consider talented productive Ph.D. students interested in cutting edge cell and developmental biology.  Applicants from many areas will be considered–most important is that you have a record of high-quality publications, excellent communication skills, enthusiasm for basic research, and a collegial/collaborative approach to science.  Check out our Alumni List to see the exciting things our former postdocs are doing today.

All applications should include the following:

  • Cover letter, indicating current and future research interests, and expected availability date
  • CV (Curriculum Vitae)
  • Publication reprints/preprints
  • Contact information for three references

Email your application to Mark at :

PhD Students

UNC is a great place to be a graduate student.  Working in a biomedical science lab with a model organism focus provides you with the tools and training you’ll need to excel.  All biomedical science labs at UNC recruit students through a common entry program, the  the Biological and Biomedical Sciences Program (BBSP). Students admitted through the BBSP typically complete three ten-week rotations in the first year, providing a variety of research experiences that allow students and potential graduate advisors to evaluate whether a given lab is a good fit. Information regarding the program and application procedures is found on the BBSP website.  The Peifer lab’s training record and the accomplishments of past students can be found under the Alumni menu.


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Mark Peifer Mark Peifer